Der International Bagpipe Day

Today, 10.March is not the start of the first German-language podcast about bagpipes, but also the International Bagpipe Day. Chance? No, or let's put it that way, so half.

Originally, I wanted to publish the podcast in mid-March, then I remembered that March 10th is the same holiday.

and the release date of the podcast just brought forward a few days.

Et voilà … now, in addition to a first performance episode of the podcast, there is also a short and crisp special for International Bagpipe Day, which was launched in 2012 by the Bagpipe Society and the International Bagpipe Organization, with the intention of honoring the 130 different types of bagpipes that are played worldwide.

For this purpose, various events have been taking place for years or bagpipers are called upon to organize or visit events or simply to play. A lot of articles will also be published online and this year certainly even more than in previous years.

So what can you do as a bagpiper today, on this holiday that is so important for us? Play bagpipes and have yourself filmed or photographed and share the event with other bagpipers, on social media, wherever. Or participate in (online) events.

Here is my video contribution to the International Bagpipe Day:

You may find a little inspiration at the following links:
International Bagpipe
SocietyFacebook page on International Bagpipe DayOnline
book reading organised by the Bagpipe Society

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