Music in old heath bands

A special project in special times: once a month I went to one of the small heath bands and played a self-composed piece there. This piece was written especially for the Heidekapelle and the occasion. From the action I have created a video for each church or for each piece.

In addition, each piece was arranged and recorded in the studio, so that polyphonic arranged bagpipe music sounds. One of the tracks, "Torque" was used for an official music video. All pieces created, arranged and recorded within the framework of the project will be published on the digital EP "Heideland", which was released on 18.02.2022.

Click here for the EP

To the videos

Groundless I February 2022

Mare I January 2022

Torque (Official Video)

Wanderer I December 2021

Torque I November 2021

Autumn Lights I October 2021

Indian Summer I September 2021

The Strawberry-Eating Dragon I July 2021

Two Swans I June 2021

Black Woodpecker I May 2021

Morning Light I April 2021

Spring Sea I March 2021

Klein wild Vögelein / Kral No. 49 I February 2021

Rosengarten No.49 I January 2021

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